7 Ways to Ease Staff Burden and Make Minor Ailments Profitable

A Webinar for Pharmacists across Canada

Wednesday, May 17th @ 7PM EDT



Webinar Details →

Minor Ailments is one of those special opportunities that brings patients through your doors and convinces them to transfer their profile to you. However many independent pharmacies have been missing out on this opportunity and putting the growth of their business at risk. 

Register today to join a special webinar that will dive deep beyond the tools and resources you purchase. Learn 7 practical things you can do to make your staff happy and confident in implementing Minor Ailments and take your business to the next level, such as how to:

Complete Minor Ailments in 5 Minutes: So your staff can feel confident completing assessments just like any prescription drop-off. 

Set Patient Expectations: Prevent burdening your staff with the responsibility to educate patients on what minor ailments are and what they can (and can’t) expect. 

Make this Opportunity Actually Profitable: Learn how to effectively promote and capitalize on a service that’s “worth switching pharmacies for!”.

Rebrand as a Pharmacist Led Clinic: Learn about the pros and cons of rebranding and how independent pharmacies across the country are making this conversion without requiring extra staff. 


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Webinar Speakers


Michael Do
Pharmacy Manager at Independant Pharmacy in Toronto
Software Engineer, Co-Founder at MedEssist

Michael is a software engineer and pharmacy manager based in Toronto with over a decade of experience in the healthcare industry. As the co-founder of MedEssist, he has leveraged his expertise in both software engineering and pharmacy management to develop innovative solutions that improve the scalability and delivery of pharmacy services.


Elana Sarabin
Pharmacy Success Manager

Having previously worked as a pharmacy assistant, Elana obtained insights into the realm of pharmacy workflow. Now as a Pharmacy Success Manager, she actively engages with pharmacists across Canada and supports them in modernizing, simplifying, and growing their practices.

📹 Sneak Peeks from Last Webinar

Webinar FAQs:


Q: How long will the webinar last?
A: The webinar will run for 1 hour, from 7-8:15pm EDT

Q: Who is this webinar for?
A: Any registered pharmacists practicing in any province including Alberta, Newfoundland and PEI.

Q: Will this webinar be recorded?
A: Yes, however you must be registered for the webinar to receive the recording.

Q: I already purchased another software to help me with minor ailments. Is this webinar still for me?
A: Yes! The topics discussed is not specific to any software, but about the processes you can implement to improve how Minor Ailments are integrated into your workflow. Additionally, our system is actually compatible with other tools. Message us at medessist.com for more information. 

All registered? 

Don't forget to add this event to your calendar!

😢 Can't make it to the webinar?

If you register and can’t attend, we’ll send you a recording after!

Worried you won’t find time to learn and implement Minor Ailments?
You can purchase the MedEssist platform here for a complete and seamless solution to Minor Ailments (and much more) built by experienced pharmacists.